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Registered Office Address Capital Office

If you want to register your office address to a limited company, then you need a registered office address. It is a legal requirement for every company to get registered at Companies House.  This way, your company becomes register unavailable publicly for everyone. The registered office will be different from a trading address. HMRC, Companies House, and various Government bodies will contact you to send essential letters and legal notices to the registered address only.

Registered office address

When you choose our registered office address, you give a permanent London address to your business. This way, you protect your personal address as well by not sharing it on the internet or anywhere else. Our address is located in the heart of London. This will give you a boost to enhance your business image. When you use our registered office address, you immediately increase confidence among clients and suppliers of your brand. Our service keeps your personal information secure and is highly affordable.

What to expect?

  • You get a prestigious EC1 address

  • Free mail forwarding service anywhere in the world

  • Secure and reliable

  • Always affordable

Post handling with our registered office address service

When you choose us for your virtual office, we give you the option to opt for post forward service 24 x 7 to any address across the world of your choice. We scan your post and sent them to you on the very same day. We don’t charge you anything for our mail forwarding service. This full-service package thus becomes the most robust option for start-up and already flourishing business.

Why is a registered business address a must?

In the UK, the companies must have a registered office address. This address is then used for all kinds of correspondence between your company, HMRC, as well as Companies House. Your registered office gets publicly available to everyone as well.

Remember, the address you need is a UK address and not a PO Box. The reason why Capital Office Registered is the best for you is that we give you the best of both worlds. You get a registered office and also keep all information safe with us.

Who is our service for?

Our registered office address service is valuable for those who are incorporated in Wales and England. Our service is also useful for those who are on the verge of planning to incorporate their company. To know more about our registered office address service, get in touch with us today.

Why should you get a registered office address?

If you are someone who would like to have a good professional image, then you need registered office address. Let’s say someone searches for your business and they end up seeing a residential address instead of a business address, imagine the kind of impression the viewer will have about your business.

No one would like to do business with a company where they get to see your residence front door in place of your business address. Registered office address means you will have a full-fledged office address without the need to mention your residence address. Also, it is always better to have two separate addresses as well. Your residential address should never overlap with the office address.

Another reason why you need to have a registered office address is to have a better business image. Since, you are opting for a virtual office, it gives you full freedom to be anyplace one earth and still have a registered office right in the heart of London. By registering your office with us, you will portray your company to be more professional and trustworthy.

Also, registered office is a legal requirement as well. You know that there are authorities who would like to contact you and remind you of important legal notices.

On top of that, having a registered office from us means, all the mail will be sent out to one address only. You can tell us what you would like us to do with it. Whether you would like us to parcel it to you to your residential address or wherever you are and in case you would like us to open it, then we can do that for you as well.

A registered office is your official address and you can use it wherever you would like it to.

About Capital Office’s registered office address service

We at Capital Office provide you with a registered office address right here in London with EC1 address. You can use our address as your own and display it on your website, letterheads, envelopes, business cards, emails, and more.

Our address is located in Central London and can help you enhance your brand image. Our office registered will appear as yours in Companies House. Along with it, we also offer Directors Service Address as well, which will help you keep your private and personal address separate. You also get mail forwarding service for free as well.

Therefore, we become the best service provider of Registered Office Address.


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